Endpointpost /v3/scanVAST
data string, required |
The VAST URL in base64-encoded format, pointing to a valid VAST XML document. |
spec_id int, optional |
The ID of an ad specification set against which you want to validate the creative. Defaults to 0 (IAB guidelines). |
workspace_id int, optional |
The ID of the workspace in which you want to store the results. |
name string, optional |
The name of the VAST tag. Will be added to the JSON result, allowing you to keep track of which creative you scanned. |
Response200 400 401 429
ad_system string |
The name of the VAST ad server, if detected successfully. Remains blank otherwise.
ad_title string |
The title of the VAST ad, as provided by the advertiser.
cors boolean |
Whether or not the CORS header for the VAST document was set correctly.
creatives array |
An array with data points collected from the VAST tag. See the response object for more details.
click_through - the final URL when clicked on the video.
duration - the duration of the video as reported.
skip_offset - the skip offset in seconds, if set.
mediafiles - see here below.
creatives[].mediafiles array |
An array with data points collected from the media file. See the response object for more details.
attributes - the VAST attributes, as reported.
audio_wave - an image of the sound wave of the video.
download_speed - download speed of the video in MB/s.
file_info.audio - audio bit rate, codec, loudness in LUFS, sample rate.
file_info.container - video format, mime-type and the MOOV atom position (for MP4).
file_info.video - aspect ratio, bit rate, codec, dimensions, real duration, frame rate and much more.
file_size - the file size of the video in bytes.
film_strip - multiple JPG screenshots of the video.
http_code - the HTTP code returned while downloading.
poster - a high-resolution JPG poster of the video.
url - the location of the video, to be downloaded.
job_id string |
A unique ID assigned to the scan.
meta array |
Meta-data about the scan, like the CPU used, the time it took to complete the scan, the server location, etc.
pixels array |
An array of impression pixel URLs that were fired.
name string |
The name of the creative (copied from the payload).
tips_and_updatesscan_results object |
An object containing the full scan results, including the number of passed/failed tests.
The tests array contains the result of each test performed. It's organized using the subarrays xml and creative_X_mediafile_Y.
screenshot array |
A screenshot of the creative, in both high-res and thumbnail format. The url points to the location where the screenshot can be found.
ssl boolean |
An object with information about the creative's SSL-compliancy. Insecure URLs loaded over http:// will be listed here.
type string |
The type of the VAST document, like inline.
vast_version string |
The VAST version (2.0 - 4.1).
wrapper_redirects int |
The number of VAST wrapper redirects using VASTAdTagURI.
xml string |
Details about the XML document returned, like the HTTP code, load time, content-type and its content.
curl "https://{your_name}.api.advalify.io/v3/scanVAST"
-H "X-ApiKey: TCm2Hd_rT4pRNvSZ2cGYCJ6... (example)"
-d '{ "data": "aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZG9tYWluLmNvbS92YXN0LnhtbA==" }'
Example Response
"ad_system": "Some Ad Server",
"ad_title": "VAST Ad",
"cors": true,
"creatives": [{
"click_through": {
"url": "https://www.google.com" },
"duration": "00:01:00",
"mediafiles": [{
"attributes": {
"bitrate": 1063,
"delivery": "progressive",
"height": 720,
"maintainaspectratio": "true",
"scalable": "true",
"type": "video/mp4",
"width": 1280 },
"audio_wave": {
"bytes": 10007,
"mime_type": "image/png",
"url": "https://try.cdn.advalify.io/img/zbs22_zbs22-beed1-d0083_3stdhrq2.png" },
"download_speed": 12,
"file_info": {
"audio": {
"bit_rate": 129,
"codec": "AAC LC",
"loudness": {
"lra": 3.4,
"lufs": -8.1 },
"sample_rate": 44.1 },
"container": {
"format": "MPEG-4",
"mime_type": "video/mp4",
"moov_atom_position": "beginning" },
"video": {
"aspect_ratio": "16:9",
"bit_depth": 8,
"bit_rate": 1063,
"codec": "H.264",
"definition": "HD",
"dimensions": "1280x720",
"duration": 60,
"frame_rate": 24,
"height": 720,
"letterboxing": false,
"width": 1280 } },
"file_size": 8990721,
"film_strip": {
"bytes": 31110,
"mime_type": "image/jpg",
"url": "https://try.cdn.advalify.io/img/zbs22_zbs22-beed1-d0083_bwrpdfk3.jpg" },
"http_code": 200,
"poster": {
"bytes": 47768,
"mime_type": "image/jpg",
"url": "https://try.cdn.advalify.io/img/zbs22_zbs22-beed1-d0083_h3nkf4qz.jpg" },
"url": "https://www.domain.com/w3dqw_h9889k_34170d4b.mp4" }],
"skip_offset": 5 }],
"job_id": "zbs22-beed1-d0083",
"meta": {
"api_version": "v3",
"cpu": "AMD 16-Core EPYC 7302P",
"creative_type": "vast",
"device": "Desktop",
"language": "en-US",
"ram": "128GB",
"scan_duration": "4.597198",
"server_location": "ams",
"timestamp": 1627332055,
"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Google Chrome 92.0.4515.107 Safari/537.36" },
"name": "https://www.domain.com/vast.xml",
"pixels": {
"impression": ["https://www.domain.com/data?data=eyJ0aW1lIjoxNjI3MzMyMDUxLCJ0eXBlIjoiaW1wIiwieklEIjoyOTY5Njk4NjEsImNJRCI6IjM4MTk0ODg2NSIsImNySUQiOiI2OTI5MDQwMTEiLCJ0aWVyIjoiMiIsImFkdHlwZSI6InZhc3QiLCJhZGZvcm1hdCI6IiIsImRvbWFpbiI6ImNyZWF0aXZlcWEuaW8iLCJjcl9vcHRfZ3JvdXAiOiJjb250cm9sIiwic3NsIjoieWVzIiwiY29vcmQiOiI1MiM1IiwidmFsdWUiOjAsIl8iOjU0MTkxOX0.-738f09b4"] },
"scan_results": {
"failed": 2,
"passed": 19,
"report_url": "https://share.advalify.io/c2450-f8e87-71c8a-bf12f",
"tests": {
"creative_0_mediafile_0": {
"audio_loudness": {
"actual": -23.9,
"data_type": "float",
"expected": "-26#-22",
"expected_text": "between -26 and -22 LUFS",
"name": "Audio Loudness",
"operator": "><",
"result": "passed",
"unit": "LUFS" }, } } },
"screenshot": {
"highres": {
"bytes": 47768,
"color": "#767a83",
"mime_type": "image/jpg",
"url": "https://try.cdn.advalify.io/img/zbs22_zbs22-beed1-d0083_km58bn7r.jpg" },
"thumbnail": {
"bytes": 2486,
"color": "#767a83",
"mime_type": "image/jpg",
"url": "https://try.cdn.advalify.io/img/zbs22_zbs22-beed1-d0083_dstnqvrp.jpg" } },
"ssl": {
"compliant": true,
"non_secure_urls": [] },
"type": "inline",
"vast_url_base64": "aHR0cHM6Ly90cnkuZW5naW5lLmFkZ2xhcmUubmV0Lz8yOTY5Njk4NjE=",
"vast_version": "3.0",
"wrapper_redirects": 0,
"xml": {
"content_type": "text/xml",
"file_size": 1432,
"http_code": 200,
"load_time": 0 } }